Dr. Sindhura Manubolu, Attending, Family Medicine, examining geriatric patient.
Dr. Sindhura Manubolu, Attending, Family Medicine, caring for patient at Fulton Family Medicine Practice.
Family Medicine Inpatient Nursing Staff
Family Medicine Inpatient Nursing Staff
Donna Lee Peterkin, RN, 16th Floor Family Medicine Unit
Donna Lee Peterkin, RN, 16th Floor Family Medicine Unit

Inpatient Care

Located on our Inpatient Floors at the BronxCare Health System main hospital building. BronxCare's Family Medicine Inpatient Services treats and manages patients with a variety of medical problems and specialties such as: Podiatry, Orthopedics, Urology, ENT, and GYN. Our department also provides patients with an advocate, who will get to know the patient and assist with any problems the patient may have.

Outpatient Practices

The Department of Family Medicine consists of five practice locations, each providing comprehensive and specialty care to address the needs of BronxCare’s medically underserved community.

Family Wellness Center

1276 Fulton Ave, 1st Floor
Bronx, NY 10456

(718) 901-6484
Fax: (718) 901-8075
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30 AM-5:00 PM; Tues and Thurs 8:30 AM-7:00 PM; Sat 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Fulton Family Health Center

1276 Fulton Ave, 3rd Floor
Bronx, NY 10456

(718) 901-6484
Fax: (718) 901-8589
Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30 AM-5:00 PM

Ogden Family Health Center

1067 Ogden Ave
Bronx, NY 10452

(718) 901-6484
Fax: (718) 466-3233
Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30 AM–5:00 PM; Sat 8:30 AM–5:00 PM

Center for Comprehensive Pain Management

1276 Fulton Ave, 3rd Floor
Bronx, NY 10456
(718) 901-6484
Fax: (718) 901-8589
Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30 AM–5:00 PM

Employee Health Services (EHS)

1645 Grand Concourse
Suite 1D
Bronx, NY 10456

(718) 579-2643
Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30 AM–5:00 PM ​

Women's Health Services

  • Prenatal Care
    Provision of direct access to OB/GYN physicians and necessary appointments. The Family Medicine department works with BronxCare WIC Program and refers patients in early stages in their pregnancy to ensure nutritional needs are met for mother and baby.
  • Family Planning
  • Colposcopy

Young Adult and Adolescent Services

The Family Medicine Department offers supportive services to the 18–24 age group, including sexually transmitted diseases and HIV testing, as well as psycho-social and supportive services.

Pediatrics/Infant Care

Families are provided with general and supportive care for their children and infants.

Behavioral Health Team

Clinical Social Workers are assigned to patients at the Department of Family Medicine’s Inpatient and Outpatient Practices. Their emphasis is on helping patients struggling with traumatic events, coping with chronic illnesses, or suffering from a recent loss.

An interdisciplinary approach is utilized to provide crisis intervention, individual family and group psychotherapy, education, and referrals, when necessary. The interdisciplinary team provides care through evidence-based treatments, such as Collaborative Care for depression and anxiety, and Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder.

Minor Procedures

Family Medicine Practices provide minimal invasive procedures and including Colonoscopy and Gynecologic Care, among other areas.

HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C & B Care

The Family Medicine Department offers HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B & C care. Patients are assigned a health worker to assist in their care planning as well as other needs, including access to supportive care and resources.

Key Initiatives

• Claremont Village

This key initiative began with a vision of improving the health and empowering residents of the nearby Claremont Village New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Apartment Complex. Family Medicine staff provide care and health education onsite, as well as refer individuals, when necessary to its inpatient and outpatient practices.

• Community Health Worker Program

The Department of Family Medicine's Community Health Workers (CHWs) are tasked with providing outreach, education, referral, follow-up, case management, advocacy, and home visiting services to individuals with chronic illnesses, mental health conditions, and clinical problems.

Community Health Workers (CHWs) are trained to provide basic health education, as well as when to refer individuals for further care. The Community Health Workers also serve as navigators for patients in address what can often be a challenging health care and social services system. Their overriding goal is to collaborate, facilitate, and strengthen relationships, in addition to enhancing access services.