Abbe Kirsch, Midwife, OB/GYN, examining patient.
Abbe Kirsch, Midwife, OB/GYN, examining patient.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology offers many programs to help women prepare for and manage their pregnancy. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation with Obstetricians and staff, as well as a 24/7 Pregnancy Hotline, are offered.

Group Prenatal Care

A Prenatal Care Program, under the leadership of Abbe Kirsch, CNM, Midwifery Director, is also available for women at similar stages in their pregnancy. It involves a total of 10 sessions throughout the pregnancy, each led by a BronxCare Midwife (a highly trained pregnancy expert). During these educational sessions, women learn the importance of health-promoting behaviors targeted at assuring positive outcomes for their pregnancies.

For further information or to enroll in the program, please contact Abbe Kirsch, CNM, Midwifery Director, at (718) 518-5000.


Deborah Bohnen
Grace Ferguson-Pell
Blaine Ferrari
Nicolette Gressett
Leah Halliburton
Brittany Hayes
Piper Hays
Diane Kim
Abbe Kirsch
Melissa Resnick
Elham Salehimanesh
Julia Scheinman
Courtney Wipf