BronxCare Health System


It is always wise to understand your potential medical expenses before receiving a service.

For your convenience, we have provided relevant information (below) for All Charges

All ChargesAll Charges Rollover Button

Hospital Machine-Readable File (MRF) standardized TXT file:

including 300 Shoppable Charges:

300 Shoppable Charges300 Shoppable Charges Rollover Button

If you have questions about the amount charged for a particular service at our hospital, please call (718) 466-6016. One of our staff members will then assist you in identifying the right service and standard charge for it. You can also consult with your health insurer to confirm payment responsibilities and remaining deductible balances.

Please be aware that the charge is typically not the amount BronxCare is paid for a service. For example, if you are enrolled in a government program, such as Medicare or Medicaid, we are paid an amount determined by law. If you are enrolled with a benefit program issued by a health plan that BronxCare participates with, our payment will be an amount we negotiated with the health plan. And, if you are not covered by a government program or a benefit program, but you qualify under our Financial Aid/Charity Care Policy, your payment will be reduced as determined under that policy.


1. Note there are limitations for the presented charge information and that the existing file is subject to change without notice and will be updated annually. Please consult, as applicable, with your health insurer to confirm individual payment responsibilities and remaining deductible balances.

2. Where insurance responsibility is the lesser of charges or Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) the charges are estimated and not actual for the reimbursement/negotiated price.

3. Where negotiated prices are not listed, either there is no negotiated rate, or charges are included in the rate, depending on the service.

4. Currently, BronxCare does not have a self-pay discounted pricing structure and individuals may apply for our Financial Aid assistance program or governmental programs.