BronxCare Health System

Dr. Martin Mayers, Chairman, Ophthalmology.

Dr. Martin Mayers, Chairman, Ophthalmology


Preserving and Restoring Vision

With more than a dozen highly trained Eye Care specialists, BronxCare’s Department of Ophthalmology, under the leadership of Dr. Martin Mayers, Chairman, Ophthalmology, is dedicated to providing outstanding eye care to patients and the community. The wide range of services provided include:

• Cataract Surgery
• Contact Lens Services
• Corneal Diseases and Transplants
• Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration
• Glaucoma: Medical, Surgical, and Laser Treatment
• Neuro-Ophthalmology
• Oculoplastic Surgery
• Pediatric Eye Care and Strabismus Surgery
• Primary Eye Care and Optometric Services
• Retina: Medical, Surgical, and Laser Treatment
• Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation


Dr. Ilana B. Friedman, Director, Pediatric Ophthalmology/Associate Residency Program Director, preparing to perform eye examination.
Dr. Ilana B. Friedman, Director, Pediatric Ophthalmology/Associate Residency Program Director, preparing to perform eye examination.

A new ophthalmology-focused Transitional Year program, in conjunction with the Department of Family Medicine, is expanding ophthalmology training beyond the historically requisite 36 months. Graduates of this program and Ophthalmology Residency are receiving extensive training, including participation in ocular surgery simulator courses available through the HelpMeSee foundation.

BronxCare also has two Optometry Residency programs. In 2012, the Ocular Disease/Primary Care Optometry Residency was established, and the Pediatric Optometry/Ocular Disease Residency was initiated in 2019. Both programs are affiliated with SUNY College of Optometry.

“All of our residents graduate extremely well prepared and are sought after for fellowship and clinical practice opportunities.”

—Dr. Martin Mayers, Chairman, Ophthalmology

Dr. Tybee Eleff, Attending, Optometry, checking vision of patient.
Dr. Tybee Eleff, Attending, Optometry, checking vision of patient.

In looking to the future, the Department’s main Concourse Campus site will be relocated into expanded space to accommodate the increased demand for eye care services. It will provide more availability to patients requiring ophthalmic sub-specialty consultations, diagnostics, and treatment. An ophthalmology practice was also recently put into place at BronxCare’s Fulton Campus, providing patients with enhanced accessibility.

Another recent development is a Tele-Ophthalmology Retinal Photography program. It targets diabetic patients followed by BronxCare’s Internal Medicine and Family Medicine physicians. Using retinal cameras that do not require dilatation drops, specially trained Medical Assistants take the retinal images of diabetic patients on-site at BronxCare’s Clinical Practices. These photo images are then read remotely by a retina specialist, and the results are communicated back to the patient’s Primary Care Physician. Diabetic retinopathy is among the most common causes of irreversible vision loss, and this type of program is providing an important opportunity to identify and address it, thereby preventing progressive vision loss. “Our dedicated team of eye care specialists are available for appointments 6 days a week and for emergencies 24/7,” stated Dr. Mayers.