BronxCare Health System

Dr. Peter Sherman, Chairman, Pediatrics.

Dr. Peter Sherman, Chairman, Pediatrics.


Providing Comprehensive Services in a Family-Friendly Environment

The Department of Pediatrics provides compassionate health care to some of the highest risk children and adolescents in the United States. “Our challenges are to care for a range of health issues, a continuum, from children who are thriving to those who are critically ill,” stated Dr. Peter Sherman, Chairman, Pediatrics. This type of care is in the context of the social, educational, and psychological issues that children face growing up in a vibrant, but economically and resource-challenged multicultural community.

Pediatric services are provided in a modern Children’s Wing and include a 20-bed Inpatient Unit, five-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, and a Well Baby Nursery. General, as well as subspecialty care, including Adolescent Medicine, Allergy-Immunology, Behavior-Development, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Infectious Disease, Travel Medicine, Neurology, Pediatric Surgery, and Pulmonology are offered.

“Our successful model utilizes a team approach that incorporates the skills of physicians, mental health specialists, nutritionists, and nurses to address Child and Adolescent health issues, including Asthma, Diabetes, Obesity, Sickle Cell Disease, Infectious Diseases, Behavioral, Mental Health, and Medical Education barriers.”

Dr. Peter Sherman, Chairman, Pediatrics