Dr. Sepideh Baghian, Vice Chairman/Chief, Hand Surgery, Orthopaedics, placing cast on patient.

Dr. Sepideh Baghian, Vice Chairman/Chief, Hand Surgery, Orthopaedics, placing cast on patient.
Dr. Sepideh Baghian, Vice Chairman/Chief, Hand Surgery, is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of the wide-ranging orthopaedic problems related to the hand. Joining Dr. Baghian is Dr. Fillip Findling, a hand specialist in hand trauma and the full range of problems requiring surgery, including hand and ligament injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and infections, as well as arthritis-related complications. This group also treats fractures of the wrist, forearm, and elbow, as hand-related problems are the number one orthopaedic consult service to BronxCare’s Emergency Room.