Under the new leadership of Dr. Robert Favelukes, Chairman, Emergency Medicine, the Emergency Department has rebounded in volume post-Covid and is back to being one of the best and busiest in New York. BronxCare’s ER performed valiantly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, providing the highest quality care for its patients and the community. “Our staff banded together, even stronger than ever throughout this pandemic to overcome the challenges of COVID management and continue to fight the virus as well as successfully respond to other medical conditions,” stated Dr. Favelukes.
BronxCare’s ED continues to experience high patient volume as well as significant increases in the severity of illnesses treated, including more patients in the advanced stages of complicated conditions, such as heart disease, hypertension, asthma, sepsis, and diabetes. These patients often require extensive medical attention, transfer to the OR for surgical intervention, or admission. Frequently, such patients require continuing care in the Intensive Care Units or close monitoring in the Observation Area.