BronxCare Health System

BronxCare News

Oct 28, 2021
Oct 28, 2021
Oct 28, 2021
Oct 28, 2021
Aug 24, 2021

Newsweek magazine has recognized BronxCare's Life Recovery Center as among the best addiction treatment facilities, ranking it fourth in New York state.

May 03, 2021

Dr. Dave Livingstone, Chairman, Anesthesiology, was selected by the United Hospital Fund for its prestigious 2021 Excellence in Health Care Award.

Nov 13, 2020

BronxCare established a multi-disciplinary task force to address the ongoing challenges presented by COVID-19.

Nov 13, 2020

Corporations and Foundations from across the nation and the world recognized the heroic efforts of the BronxCare team in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mar 31, 2019

The Garden of Eden, a community garden located at 1660 Weeks Ave, is providing a farmers market tour every Thursday. The Department of Dentistry has also received a multi-year “Chef in the Garden” multidisciplinary grant to promote nutrition and oral health.

Feb 28, 2019

BronxCare’s OR Team Earns National Recognition BronxCare’s OR team received the Go Clear Silver Award™ from the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) for its achievements in eliminating hazardous smoke from surgical procedures.

Alondra Hernandez, RN, Assistant Vice President, Patient Care Services.
Alondra Hernandez, RN, Assistant Vice President, Patient Care Services.
Chrissy Manning, Director, Ambulatory Services
Chrissy Manning, Director, Ambulatory Services