BronxCare Health System


Preserving and Restoring Vision

With more than a dozen highly trained Eye Care specialists, BronxCare’s Department of Ophthalmology, under the leadership of Dr. Martin Mayers, Chairman, Ophthalmology, is dedicated to providing outstanding eye care to patients and the community. The wide range of services provided include:

  • Cataract Surgery
  • Contact Lens Service
  • Corneal Diseases and Transplants
  • Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration
  • Glaucoma: Medical, Surgical, and Laser Treatment
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Oculoplastic Surgery
  • Pediatric Eye Care and Strabismus Surgery
  • Primary Eye Care and Optometric Services
  • Retina: Medical, Surgical, and Laser Treatment
  • Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation

“All of our residents graduate extremely well prepared and are sought after for fellowship and clinical practice opportunities.”

—Dr. Martin Mayers, Chairman, Ophthalmology

Dr. Zimei Zhou, Ophthalmology Residency Program Director, and Attending, Ophthalmology, performing eye examination.
Dr. Zimei Zhou, Ophthalmology Residency Program Director, and Attending, Ophthalmology, performing eye examination.

Ophthalmology Residency ▸

From a medical education perspective, Ophthalmology training has become a four-year program, with the Ophthalmology-focused Transitional Year (PGY-1) provided in conjunction with the Department of Family Medicine. A new Medical Retina fellowship, under the direction of Dr. Zimei Zhou and Dr. David Ketner, is also moving forward.

Optometry Residencies ▸

In the Optometry area, a one-year Primary Care Optometry Residency program, directed by Dr. Alanna Khattar-Sullivan, as well as a one-year Pediatric Optometry Residency program, co-directed by Dr. Alexis Pelowski and Dr. Danielle Crane, are in place and affiliated with the SUNY College of Optometry.

Building for the Future

In looking to the future, BronxCare is moving forward in its relocation of Ophthalmology services into expanded space at the Concourse Hospital Division, with easy access from its main entrance and lobby area. This project will accommodate the increasing demand for ophthalmic specialty consultations, diagnostics, and treatment. In addition, a major emphasis will be on addressing the complications of diabetes related to vision impairment. New and expanded reception and registration areas, as well as specialty ophthalmic and laser treatment rooms, among numerous other features, are integral parts of the project.

An ophthalmology practice was also recently put into place at BronxCare’s Fulton Campus, providing patients with enhanced accessibility.

In addition, a Tele-Ophthalmology Diabetic Retinal Photography program continues to expand. It provides diabetic patients at the BronxCare Practices the opportunity to have their retinal evaluation performed during regularly scheduled visits. Using retinal cameras that do not require dilatation drops, specially trained Medical Assistants take the retinal images of diabetic patients on-site at BronxCare’s Clinical Practices. These photo images are then read remotely by a retina specialist, and the results are communicated back to the patient’s Primary Care Physician. Diabetic retinopathy is among the most common causes of irreversible vision loss, and this type of program is providing an important opportunity to identify and address it, thereby preventing progressive vision loss.

“Our dedicated team of eye care specialists are experts in the field, user-friendly, and available for appointments 6 days a week and for emergencies 24/7.”

—Dr. Martin Mayers, Chairman, Ophthalmology