BronxCare Health System

BronxCare News

Nov 30, 2018

BronxCare Observed its Annual Hospital Day, which included a wide range of lectures and presentations by the Medical and Dental staff, as well residents, fellows, and nurses.

Jul 19, 2018

BronxCare Health System earned its award by meeting specific quality achievement measures for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure patients.

Jul 19, 2018

BronxCare was the recipient of the 2018 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®—Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award, with Target: Stroke Honor Roll-Elite.

Aug 31, 2017

BronxCare Health System Receives Full Joint Commission Accreditation

In August 2017, BronxCare received official notification of its full three-year Accreditation from the Joint Commission, the nation’s leading accrediting authority for hospitals. This notification followed a comprehensive and detailed five-day survey of the hospital and its outpatient practices.

Dec 15, 2015

In 2015, BronxCare Health System completed a Cardiac Catheterization Suite and new Electrophysiology Laboratory, as well as major ER expansion.

Dec 15, 2015

BronxCare Health System received the American Stroke Association’s Gold Plus Recognition as well as the American Heart Association’s Gold Plus Recognition.

Nov 19, 2015

BronxCare is the only hospital in the Bronx, and one of three in New York City, to receive the A grade.

Jun 15, 2015

The BronxCare Health System Performing Provider System, also known as Bronx Health Access, received a $154 million award over a five-year period to implement a high performing health care delivery system for Medicaid beneficiaries and low income uninsured individuals.

Feb 24, 2015

BronxCare Health System and the Mount Sinai Health System have established a clinical collaboration to enhance patient care by establishing new programs and services across multiple disciplines

May 23, 2014

BronxCare Health System receives full accreditation from the Joint Commission.

Alondra Hernandez, RN, Assistant Vice President, Patient Care Services.
Alondra Hernandez, RN, Assistant Vice President, Patient Care Services.
Chrissy Manning, Director, Ambulatory Services
Chrissy Manning, Director, Ambulatory Services